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Addition and subtraction of whole numbers word problems - Fifth Grade

How to add and subtract whole numbers

Help your 5th graders develop very easy strategies for solving addition and subtraction of whole numbers word problems 5th grade. Before mastering how to add and subtract whole numbers, you must bear in mind that when you add two or more whole numbers the original number increases, whereas the original number decreases when subtracting two or more whole numbers.

Most importantly, given that the key to adding and subtracting whole numbers word problems is to recognize patterns as well as spot the information needed to solve the problem, we have done well to present our problems in a simple, clear and coherent manner.

Fun mental skills to easy adding and subtracting whole numbers problems in real life

Grab this amazing resource and discover our fun mental skills to easy adding and subtracting whole numbers problems in real life.

There are so many instances in real life where you’ll always need to add or subtract whole numbers in real life. This is usually in cases when adding or subtracting money amounts, units of measurements and many more.

In this light, we have endeavored to design very short and quick mental strategies for adding and subtracting problems in all real life scenarios.

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