Math word problems - math word problems with answersMath word problems - math word problems with answers

Special skills for easy solving math word problems

Find here in abundance very simple math word problems for your kids. These fun math word problems with answers consist of special skills for easy solving math word problems of any kind.

As we endeavor to embed these special skills in your kids, they’ll be able to more quickly understand how to solve every math word problem and of course become confident math problem solvers.

Moreover, our engaging strategies are captivating enough to help your little ones pin point and understand every step needed to arrive at the correct answer.

Even with more complex math problems, our use of simple language is aimed at encouraging kids quickly understand and as well think flexibly before solving.

Practice here
15 skills
243 practices

Second Grade

2nd grade addition up to three digits, Add four numbers up to two digits grade 2, Add four or more one digit numbers with sums to 50, Add three numbers up to two digits 2nd grade, Add two numbers up to two digits 2nd grade, Adding 3 one digit numbers up to 30 for grade 2, Addition sentences with sums to 20, Addition with sums to 20 grade 2, Greatest and least with numbers up to 100 grade 2, Greatest and least with numbers up to 1000, Subtraction up to 20, Subtraction up to three-digit, Subtraction up to two-digit, Writing subtraction number sentences from up to 18, Writing subtraction number sentences from up to two-digit
19 skills
393 practices

Third Grade

Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators Grade 3, Adding three numbers up to four digits Grade 3, Adding three numbers up to three digits 3rd Grade, Adding two numbers up to four digits Grade 3, Adding two numbers up to three digits 3rd grade, Comparing numbers using multiplication grade 3, Dividing larger numbers by one digit numbers grade 3, Dividing three digits numbers by one digit numbers  grade 3, Dividing two digits numbers by one digit numbers grade 3, Fraction of a group grade 3 with answers, Fractions of a number Grade 3, Fractions of a whole , Multiplication 3rd grade, Multiplying there-digit numbers by one digit number 3rd grade, Multiplying three or more numbers , Multiplying two digit numbers by one digit number 3rd grade, Subtracting two numbers up to four digits , Subtracting two numbers up to three digits grade 3, Subtracting two numbers up to two digits grade 3
17 skills
369 practices

Fourth Grade

3 digits or 4 digits number by 1 digit numbers multiplication , Adding 3 or more decimals grade 4, Adding and subtracting decimals , Adding two numbers up to five digits grade 4, Adding two numbers up to seven digits grade 4, Comparing numbers using multiplication grade 4, Division facts up to 10 grade 4, Estimating differences grade 4, Estimating products grade 4, Estimating sums grade 4, Fractions of whole grade 4, Multiplying 2 digits number by 2 digits numbers , Multiplying a larger number by two digits numbers , Multiplying three or more numbers , Multiplying two digit number by one digit number grade 4, Subtract numbers up to seven digits grade 4, Subtracting two numbers up to five digits
249 skills
663 practices

Fifth Grade

Add and subtract 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators, Add and subtract 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators , Add and subtract fractions in recipes, Add and subtract fractions with like denominators using number lines, Add and subtract fractions with same denominator, Add and subtract fractions with same denominator wordproblems, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators , Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators, Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators, Add and subtract mixed numbers , Add and subtract whole numbers up to billions, Add and subtract whole numbers , Add decimal numbers, Add subtract multiply and divide fractions by mixed numbers, Add subtract multiply or divide two whole numbers, Add up to 4 fractions with denominators of 10 and 100, Add using properties of addition, Adding and subtracting decimals , Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators , Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers , Addition and subtraction of whole numbers , Arithmetic sequences with fractions, Box multiplication, Choose decimals with a particular sum or difference, Choose numbers with a particular product, Choose numbers with a particular quotient, Choose numbers with a particular sum or difference, Compare decimals and fractions, Compare decimals and fractions on number lines, Compare decimals number, Compare decimals on number lines, Compare decimals using grids, Compare fractions and mixed numbers, Compare fractions using benchmarks, Compare integers, Compare numbers up to billions, Compare sums and differences of unit fractions, Comparing ordering rounding decimals , Complet addition and subtraction sentences with fraction, Complete addition and subtraction sentences, Complete addition and subtraction sentences with mixed numbers, Complete the division sentence, Complete the division sentence 2 digit divisors, Complete the fraction multiplication sentence, Complete the mixed number multiplication sentence, Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, Convert between standard and expanded form, Convert between standard and expanded form using fractions, Convert decimals between standard and expanded form, Convert decimals to fractions, Convert decimals to mixed numbers, Convert fractions to decimal numbers, Convert mixed numbers to decimals, Decimal division patterns over increasing place values, Decimal number lines, Decimal place values, Decompose fractions multiple ways, Divide 1 digit numbers interpret remainders, Divide 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, Divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers , Divide decimals by powers of ten, Divide decimals numbers, Divide fractions, Divide fractions and mixed numbers, Divide fractions by whole numbers, Divide fractions by whole numbers in recipes, Divide money amounts azert, Divide multi digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, Divide numbers and unit fractions, Divide numbers ending in zeros, Divide unit fractions and whole numbers using area models, Divide unit fractions and whole numbers , Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models, Divide unit fractions by whole-numbers, Divide whole numbers by fractions, Divide whole numbers by unit fractions, Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models, Dividing 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers , Dividing 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers , Dividing decimals by whole numbers , Dividing fractions and mixed numbers , Dividing multi digit numbers by 1 digit number , Dividing whole numbers ending in zeroes , Dividing whole numbers ending in zeros , Divisibility rules, Divisibility rules , Division facts to 12, Division facts up to 12 , Division patterns over increasing place values, Division with decimal quotient, Division with decimal quotients , Equivalent decimals, Equivalent fractions review, Estimate product of decimal numbers, Estimate products, Estimate products of fractions whole numbers mixed numbers, Estimate quotiens, Estimate quotients 2 digit divisors, Estimate sums and differences of decimals, Estimate sums and differences of decimals using rounding, Estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmarks, Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers, Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers, Estimate sums and differences , Estimating products , Estimating quotient , Evaluate exponents, Evaluate numerical expressions, Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses in different places, Evaluate numerical expressions with parenthesis, Even or odd arithmetic rules, Fill in the missing digits, Find all factors pairs of numbers, Find the missing exponent or base, Find the missing exponent or base 5th Grade practice, Fractions of a number, Fractions of a number , Fractions of whole number, Fractions of whole numbers , Fractions review, GCM and LCF , Geometric sequences with fractions, Graph and compare fractions on number lines, Greatest common factor, Guest and check , Identify mistakes involving the order of operations, Inequalities with addition and subtract of like and unlike fraction, Inequalities with addition and subtraction, Inequalities with addition and subtraction of mixed-numbers, Inequalities with decimal addition or subtraction sentence, Inequalities with decimal multiplication products up to thousandths, Inequalities with multiplication, Lattice multiplication, Least common denominator, Least common multiple, Models decimals and fractions, Multi step , Multi step for Grade 5 learners, Multi step identify reasonable answers, Multi step involving remainders, Multiplication input output tables, Multiplication input output tables find the rule, Multiplication patterns over increasing place values, Multiplies of fractions find the missing numbers, Multiply 2 decimals products up to hundredth and thousandths, Multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, Multiply 2 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers, Multiply 2 digit numbers by larger numbers, Multiply a decimal by a 1 digit whole number using the distributive property, Multiply a decimal by a power of ten, Multiply a decimal by one digit whole number, Multiply a decimal by two digit whole number, Multiply a mixed number by a fraction, Multiply by 1 digit numbers, Multiply by 2 digit numbers complete the missing steps, Multiply by 3 digits numbers, Multiply by a one digit whole number using blocks, Multiply by a power of ten with decimals, find the missing number, Multiply by a power of ten with exponents, Multiply decimals using grids, Multiply fractions and whole numbers sorting, Multiply fractions by whole numbers input output tables, Multiply fractions by whole numbers using models, Multiply fractions by whole numbers using number lines, Multiply fractions by whole numbers , Multiply fractions to find area, Multiply fractions , Multiply mixed numbers, Multiply mixed numbers and whole numbers, Multiply numbers ending in zeros , Multiply numbers ending with zeros, Multiply three numbers up to 3 digits each, Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers, Multiply three or more mixed numbers fractions and or whole numbers, Multiply three or more numbers one of which is a decimal, Multiply three or more numbers up to 2 digits each, Multiply two fractions, Multiply two fractions using models fill in the missing factor, Multiply two unit fractions using models, Multiply unit fractions and whole numbers sorting, Multiply unit fractions and whole numbers using arrays, Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models, Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines, Multiply unit fractions find the missing numbers, multiply-two-fractions-using-models, Multiplying by one digit numbers , Multiplying by two digit , Multiplying decimals by whole numbers , Multiplying mixed numbers , Multiplying three or more numbers , Multiplying two fractions , Number sequences involving decimals, Place value, Prime and composite numbers, Prime and composite numbers, Prime factorization, Prime factorization, Prime factorization on Grade 5, Prime factorization with exponents, Prime factorization with exponents, Properties of multiplication, Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order, Put a mix of decimals fraction and mixed numbers in order, Put decimal numbers in orders, Put fractions in order, Put integers in order, Ratios tables, Ratios tables, Reciprocals, Relate multiplication and division, Relationship between decimal place values, Repeating decimal numbers, Roman Numerals, Round decimals, Round mixed numbers, Rounding, Scale drawing , Scale drawing , Scaling fractions by fractions, Scaling mixed numbers by fractions, Scaling whole numbers by fractions, Scientific notation, Sort factors of numerical expressions, Spell word names for numbers up to one million, Subtract decimal numbers, Understand fraction multiplication and area, Understand fractions as division , Understanding exponents, Understanding intergers, Unit rates and equivalent rates, Unit rates and equivalent rates, Use logical reasoning to find the order, Use venn diagrams to solve problems, Which decimal number is illustrated, Word names for decimal number, with extra or missing information, Write an equivalent ratios, Write fractions in lowest terms, Write numerical expressions one operation, Write numerical expressions two operations, Writting numbers in words convert digits to words, Writting numbers in words convert words to digits
208 skills
1153 practices

Sixth Grade

6th Grade unit rates, Absolute value and integers , Absolute value and opposite intergers, Absolute value of rational numbers, Acaling whole numbers by fractions 6th Grade, Add and subtract fractions with same denominator Grade 6, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators Grade 6, Add and subtract intergers find the sign, Add and subtract intergers input output tables, Add and subtract mixed numbers Grade 6, Add and subtract rational numbers, Add and subtract whole numbers , Add integers using counters, Add intergers, Add subtract multiply or divide two fractions, Add subtract multiply or divide two intergers, Add subtract multiply or divide two whole numbers, Add subtract multiply ordivide two decimals, Add three or more intergers, Adding and subtracting decimals , Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators , Adding And Subtracting Fractions With Unlike Denominators , Adding and subtracting integers , Adding and subtracting whole numbers 6th grade, Adding and subtracting with mixed numbers , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions , Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers , Additions of decimals 6th grade, Advanced exponents Grade 6, Classify numbers Grade 6, Compare fractions with like and unlike denominator 6th Grade, Compare intergers, Compare percents and fractions grade 6, Compare percents to each order and to fractions grade 6, Compare rational number, Compare ratios exercises of Grade 6, Comparing fractions , Comparing numbers written in scientific notation Grade 6 practice, Convert and compare add and subtract mixed customary units Grade 6, Convert and compare customary units Grade 6, Convert between decimals and fractions 6th Grade, Convert between decimals and mixed numbers grade 6, Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers 6th Grade, Convert between standard and scientific notation number theory Grade 6, Convert decimals to fractions 6th Grade, Convert fractions to decimal numbers 6th Grade, Converte between percents fractions and decimals grade 6, Converting from standard form to scientific notation Grade 6, Decimal number lines 6th Grade, Decimal place values Grade 6, Decimals numbers 6th grade, Difference between factors and multiples 6th Grade, Distance direction to starting point , Divide decimal by whole number , Divide decimals by decimals in 6th Grade, Divide decimals by powers of ten in 6th Grade, Divide decimals by whole numbers in 6th Grade, Divide decimals by whole numbers in 6th Grade, Divide fractions 6th grade, Divide fractions and mixed numbers 6th grade, Divide fractions and mixed numbers 6th grade, Divide fractions by whole numbers in recipes 6th grade, Divide integers, Divide numbers and unit fractions 6th grade, Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models 6th grade, Dividing fractions and mixed numbers , Dividing whole numbers by 3-digit divisors 6th Grade, Dividing whole numbers ending in zeros , Dividing with Zeros practice Grade 6, Divisibility rule skills for Grade 6, Division of numbers , Division with decimal quotient 6th Grade, Do the ratio from a proportion grade 6 online practices, Equivalent fractions review 6th Grade, Equivalent rates in Grade 6, Equivalent ratios in Grade 6, Estimate customary measurements Grade 6, Estimate metric measurements Grade 6, Estimate product of decimal numbers 6th Grade, Estimate products of fractions and whole numbers 6th Grade, Estimate products of fractions whole numbers mixed numbers 6th Grade, Estimate quotients when dividing mixed numbers 6th grade, Estimate square roots Grade 6, Estimate sums and differences of decimals numbers in 6th grade, Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers 6th grade, Estimate to solve , Estimating products grade 6 - Online practice and worksheets, Estimation , Evaluate exponents grade 6, Evaluate negative exponents Grade 6, Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals, Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions, Evaluate numerical expressions involving intergers, Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole numbers, Exponents with decimal bases Grade 6, Exponents with fractional bases Grade 6, Find the missing exponent or base grade 6, Find the number of each type of coin 6th Grade, Find the total given a part and a percent grade 6, Find what percent one number is of another grade 6, Find what percent one number is of another grade 6, Fraction of a whole 6th grade, Fractions of a group 6th grade, Fractions of a number , Fractions of whole number I grade 6, Fractions of whole number II 6th Grade, Fractions on number lines 6th Grade, GCF and LCM – Grade 6, Grade 6 ratios tables, Graph intergers on horizontal and vertical number lines, Greatest common factor Grade 6, Greatest common factor , Guest and check , Half life Grade 6, Identify equivalent ratios, Identify proportional relationships by graphing, grade 6 practice, Identify proportional relationships from graphs grade 6 practice, Identify proportional relationships from tables, grade 6 practice, Inequalities with addition and subtract of like and unlike fraction Grade 6, Inequalities with decimals 6th Grade, Inequalities with decimals by decimals division 6th Grade, Inequalities with decimals by whole numbers multiplication 6th Grade, Inequalities with decimals multiplication in 6th Grade, Integers inequalities with absolute values, Intergers and absolute values , Intergers on number line, Interpret graphs of proportional relationships Grade 6, Least common denominator 6th Grade, Least common multiple Grade 6, Lowest common multiple grade 6, Lowest common multiple , Maps with decimal distances in 6th grade, Maps with fractional distances Grade 6, Multi step , Multiplication of whole numbers , Multiply and divide rational numbers, Multiply decimals 6th Grade, Multiply decimals by powers of ten in 6th Grade, Multiply integers, Multiply integers find the sign, Multiply mixed numbers 6th Grade, Multiply mixed numbers and whole numbers 6th Grade, Multiply numbers ending in zeros , Multiply the following expressions and tick the most correct answers 6th Grade, Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers 6th Grade, Multiply three or more mixed numbers fractions and or whole numbers 6th Grade, Multiply three or more numbers , Multiply two fractions 6th Grade, Multiply two fractions using models 6th Grade, Multiplying fractions , Multiplying mixed numbers , Multiplying numbers that end in zero Grade 6, Multiplying three or more numbers, Multiplying whole numbers with four or more digits, Percents of numbers and money amounts grade 6, Percents of numbers with fractional and decimal percents grade 6, Percents of numbers grade 6, Place Value and Names for Whole Numbers, Population doubling Grade 6, Prime factorization Grade 6, Prime factorization with exponents Grade 6, Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order 6th grade, Put a mix of decimals fraction and mixed numbers in order grade 6, Put decimal numbers in orders 6th Grade, Put intergers in order, Put rational numbers in order, Rational numbers equal or not equal, Rational numbers find the sign, reciprocals 6th grade, Repeating decimal numbers 6th Grade, Roman numerals questions for 6th graders pupils, Round decimals 6th Grade, Round whole numbers and decimals 6th Grade, Scale drawing Grade 6, Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers 6th Grade, Scaling whole numbers by fractions, Solve multi step by identifying reasonable answers , Solve the proportion grade 6 practices, Sort factors of numerical expressions Grade 6, Spell word names for numbers up to one million, Square roots of perfect squares Grade 6, Subtract intergers, Subtract intergers using counters, Subtractions of decimals 6th grade, Understand absolute value, Understanding Fractions As Division , Understanding fractions , Understanding intergers, Understanding negative exponents Grade 6, Units rates online practices in Grade 6, Use logical reasoning to find the order, What percentage is illustrated Grade 6 practices, Which decimal number is illustrated Grade 6, Whole numbers multiplication online practice -Multiplying whole numbers Worksheets 6th Grade, Word names for decimal numbers 6th Grade, with extra or missing information, Write a ratio in grade 6, Write a ratio using a fraction 6th grade, Write a ratio 6th grade, Write an equivalent ratios Grade 6, Write fractions in lowest terms 6th Grade, Write numbers from digits to words 6th grade online practice, Write numbers from words in figures, Write numbers from words to digits in grade 6, Write powers of 10 with exponents grade 6

Best tips to helping kids solve math word problems

For many kids who struggle with solving math word problems, you’ll find in this amazing resource best tips to helping kids solve math word problems in a comfortable and simple way.

Equally considering the fact that word problems help kids to practice all the tools they have learned so far, our math stories are not only simple, but are very interesting, formed in simple language with fun designed pictures and models.