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Greatest and least word problems with numbers up to 1000 - Second Grade

Least to greatest word problems

An exciting way to encourage your 2nd graders to practice comparing numbers is by engaging them in our greatest and least word problems with numbers up to 1000 resource. Besides, a better way to help your kids understand a math concept is by connecting it to real life. That is why our least to greatest word problems have been created with a wide range of fun and familiar real-life experiences that will motivate your kids and enrich their number sense skills in all areas.

One great advantage about comparing numbers in this resource is that it will provide your little ones a consistent practice with a variety of real-life experiences ranging from the number of sales in a month, the day with the fewest or more tickets sold, the number of people, etc. 

This strategy will thus motivate them to enjoy and solve tirelessly.


What is the best strategy for comparing numbers up to 1000?

In seeking to know what is the best strategy for comparing numbers up to 1000, we have to rely on using the place value number comparing method.

When comparing numbers, we seek to know which number amongst others is least, greater, or greatest.

So in the first place, look at the digits in the thousands place. The number with the highest number of thousands is the greatest.

When the digits in thousands place are equal, then the number with more hundreds is the greatest.

When the digits in hundreds place are equal, then the number with more tens is the greatest

When the digits in tens place are equal, then the number with more ones is the greatest

Finally, if all the digits are the same, then the numbers are equal.


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