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Adding and subtracting decimals word problems - Sixth Grade

Word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals with solutions

In a bid to motivate your kid’s interest to easy adding and subtracting decimals word problems 6th grade, we have designed problems simple enough and reflective of our daily calculations involving decimals.

Hence, given its many importance in real life, our word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals with solutions are here to help your kids understand the decimal of value. Thus, their ability to quickly calculate money, lengths, and weights on the weighing machine, most especially in cases where precision is needed.

As we know, adding and subtracting decimal numbers is just same as adding and subtracting whole numbers. The only difference here is the presence of the decimal point in the decimal numbers. So when adding or subtracting decimal numbers, you need to pay attention to their place value.

Techniques for adding and subtracting decimals word problems

Grab the best techniques for adding and subtracting decimals word problems 6th grade. The first thing you need to do here is to wisely read the problem at least twice, taking note of key words helpful to tell if you need to add, subtract, or perform both operations. So, in any way the case may be;

Line up the decimal points, making sure that same place values are lined up vertically directly under each other.

If the numbers do not have the same number of digits after the decimal point, add a zero or zeroes to fill up the lesser digits.

This is usually because any zero after a decimal point has no value, but a place holder helpful to ease your calculations.

When all this is done, you can now add or subtract your numbers in the same place value positions as the case with whole numbers.

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