Divide decimal by whole number word problems - Sixth Grade
How to divide decimals by a whole number
Grab our fun tricks for dividing decimals by whole numbers 6th grade. How to divide decimals by a whole number is not different from dividing just whole numbers. All you need to do is to be mindful of how to handle the decimal point.
As we can recall, we mostly find decimals when dealing with money calculations, length and weight measurements, etc. For instance imagine having to share out a restaurant bill amongst each other, to find out what each person will owe.
In a bid to put our estimation skills to work, we must note that when dividing by a number greater than one; expect your result to be smaller. And when dividing by a number less than one, expect your result to be bigger.
Best division word problems with solutions and answers
Below here are very simple steps for dividing decimals by whole numbers 6th grade.
To begin with, we’d earlier mentioned that dividing decimal whole numbers is almost the same as dividing whole numbers.
As you carry on your normal long division, position the decimal point in the result (quotient) directly above the decimal point in the dividend.
When you finally obtain your answer (quotient), confirm if its correct by multiplying the quotient by the divisor. If your answer is equal to the dividend, then you worked out correctly.