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Dividing three digits numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3 - Third Grade

How to divide Three Digits Numbers By One Digit Numbers Word Problems grade 3

Encourage your 3rd graders to strengthen their division skills with these dividing three digits numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3. As you’ll find in this resource, however, we will provide your kids with the best methods and simple strategies on how to divide three digits numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3.

Most importantly, our division story problems are fascinating and familiar to kids’ day-to-day activities of equal sharing objects among friends, sharing money, etc. Thus, your little math learners will feel excited and eager to solve such exciting problems.

Besides all these, the concept of division will significantly strengthen previous knowledge of concepts like multiplication and subtraction.

How to divide three digit numbers by one digit number word problems easily.

Hey kids! We will learn how to divide three digit numbers by one digit number word problems easily. Given that this word problem involves larger digit numbers, we will encourage your little ones to solve using the long division method. 

It is interesting to note that we have carefully worked out solutions and answers to all our division problems. This part of our answer guide is given to help kids check and correct their solving steps and, of course, answers each time they solve wrongly.

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The florist has 455 flowers.
If there are 5 flowers per bouquet of flower he is making, how many bouquets of flowers can he make?

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