Decimal word problems - word problems involving decimals
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Easy ways of solving decimal word problems
Get a daily decimal word problems practice and learn how to apply operations with decimals to solve real world problems.
This set of word problems involving decimals are perfect for your kid’s quick understanding when to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals in real life. As such, we have provided a mixture of problems involving all order of operations.
One admirable thing here is our fun strategies with easy ways of solving decimal word problems. In addition to this, these decimal problems are formulated in simple language, with steps and tools that will help kids to read word problems effectively and boost their confidence.
What are key steps to consider when solving decimal word problems?
Provided here are simple key steps to consider when solving decimal word problems.
First of all, reading to have a full mastery is a perfect step towards perfect solving word problems involving decimals.
Next, underline key words and write down important information presented in the problem.
At this level, you can now choose a method of solving, i.e. are you adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing or comparing decimals
Finally, you can now solve the problem with your chosen method and of course at the end of the day, check to find out if your answer makes sense.