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> Expressions and properties worksheets Grade 6

Grab these outstanding expressions and properties worksheets Grade 6 designed to enhance kids' use of variables in math expressions. These variables involve using symbols/letters for an unknown numerical value in an algebraic expression. Since variables are also numbers, we can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve algebraic expressions. With this in mind, we will provide simple and unique worksheets that will motivate your 6th graders to master this concept quickly.

To begin, you'll realize that we have progressively formulated our worksheets from less challenging algebraic expressions exercises. In this way, kids can gradually master a particular skill before moving on to the next, i.e., worksheet by worksheet. For instance, they will begin by practicing how to write variable expressions, one-step and two-step equations, some of which correspond to given word problems. Also, they will learn how to evaluate expressions with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers.

You'll equally notice that each worksheet consists of just a few enriched and stimulating exercises that kids can solve in just one sitting. Most importantly, kids will have access to our solution and answer sheets, which come with a step-by-step process of correctly solving expressions and properties. Hence, your little ones can conveniently assess themselves and readily do corrections each time their answers are incorrect.

Algebraic expressions Grade 6 worksheets

Algebraic expressions Grade 6 worksheets are foundational to enhance kids' understanding of all math expressions and properties worksheets Grade 6. One key element to note about algebraic expressions is that it cannot be solved because it does not contain an "equal to" sign. We can only simplify it. Also, apart from variables, algebraic expressions consist of constants and a combination of terms by operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

We always encourage kids to master algebra skills early because it reinforces logical thinking useful in math and real life. That's why most of our exercises require kids to translate word statements into algebraic expressions. With such practice, they can easily identify the unknown quantity (or quantities), choose variable(s) to represent the unknown(s), and identify the operations on the variables.

Example of an algebraic expression: 3x + 4y – 7

Where: → 3 and 4 are coefficients

x and y are variables

7 is a constant

3x, 4y, and 7 are terms

Download worksheets
Write variable expressions one operation
Write variable expressions one operation worksheet
Write variable expressions two operations
Write variable expressions two operations worksheet
Write variable expressions word problems
Write variable expressions word problems worksheet
Evaluate variables expressions with whole numbers
Evaluate variables expressions with whole numbers worksheet
Evaluate variables expressions with decimals fractions and mixed numbers
Evaluate variables expressions with decimals fractions and mixed numbers worksheet

Key points about simplifying expressions and properties worksheets Grade 6

Below are fun key points about simplifying expressions and properties worksheets Grade 6.

  • Combine all like terms, beginning from the brackets (if any).

  • If there is a term outside the bracket, multiply it by the terms inside the bracket.

  • You can now perform mathematical operations between the like terms

  • Finally, you can rewrite the algebraic expression in descending order, i.e., from highest to lowest.

If we are given the value of variables, we'll evaluate the expression by substituting a number for each variable. As such, we can comfortably evaluate the expression and obtain an answer.

NB: – Apart from the rules for solving algebraic expressions, BODMAS is also an effective strategy to solve or evaluate algebraic expressions efficiently.

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