Fractions and mixed numbers worksheets Grade 6

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These outstanding fractions and mixed numbers worksheets Grade 6 are given to help your kids explore all fundamental fractions exercises. Some of these include: how to place fractions on a number line, find the least common denominator, compare fractions with like and unlike denominators, compare fractions word problems, understand fractions as division word problems, put a mix of decimals and fractions together, etc.
Before we engage in solving these amazing fractions exercises, it is vital to note that fractions are part of a whole and consist of different types based on their numerators and denominators. (The numerator is the upper part of the fraction, and the denominator is the lower part of the fraction) These types of fractions are; proper, improper, mixed, like fractions, unlike fractions, and equivalent fractions. With this in mind, you will have a fantastic time solving our worksheets, which consist of all fraction types.
It is essential to grasp fractions skills at this elementary stage, considering their importance in advanced math concepts and real-life situations, like eating, shopping, telling time, measurements, etc. Let's choose amongst the many fractions exercises in this resource and determine how and why we compare fractions.
Comparing fractions worksheets free Grade 6
Comparing fractions worksheets free Grade 6 consists of exercises to help kids determine the larger, smaller, or equal fraction between two or more fractions. This particular fractions exercise will enable 6th graders to gain mastery of fractions concept in general. Besides, kids will strengthen their number sense skills about fraction size. They will equally realize that the approach they use when comparing whole numbers does not hold true for comparing fractions.
To keep your kids engaged and excited in this fractions and mixed numbers worksheets Grade 6 resource, we will provide fun tips and rules for comparing fractions exercises. Kids must always keep in mind that
First, to find out which of the two fractions is greater or less, we need to find out if
The fractions have the same denominators. If the denominators of the two fractions are the same, the larger fraction is the one with, the larger numerator, while the smaller fraction is the one with the smaller numerator. For instance ¾ > ¼
The fractions have unlike denominators: To compare fractions with unlike denominators, you must find the least common denominator (LCD). When the denominators are the same, it will be easy for you to determine greater, less, or equal fractions.
Secondly, finding out if two or more fractions are equal is the simplest form of comparing fractions. You simply need to ensure that the two fractions' numerators and denominators are equal or the same. For instance ¾ = ¾
Above all, we must also note the relationship between mixed numbers and fractions.
What is the relationship between fractions and mixed numbers worksheets Grade 6?
What is the relationship between fractions and mixed numbers worksheets Grade 6? Constant practice in this resource will enable your kids to easily recognize the fraction type even if it presents as a mixed number.
A mixed number consists of three parts, i.e., a whole number, a numerator, and a denominator. In other words, it combines a whole number and a proper fraction. In one of our exercises, we will learn how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. A mixed number, for instance, 4¾ converted to an improper fraction, will be 19/4.
Apart from converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, you will also practice solving mixed numbers word problems and comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing mixed numbers.
To conclude, our primary objective in this resource is to help kids gain the skills to;
- Identify types of fractions.
- distinguish between proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers
- convert between improper and mixed Number
- Express fractions in their lowest form.
- Compare fractions and put proper signs between them.
- Solve fractions problems in real-life efficiently.