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> Mixed operations worksheets Grade 6

Our mixed operations worksheets Grade 6 consist of fun teaching and learning strategies for solving problems with combined math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Most of the time in math learning, we find ourselves in situations where we must solve problems or math expressions involving brackets, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, etc. In such situations, you should be able to determine which operation to solve first, second, or last.

We should note that these combined operations cannot be performed at random. It usually follows a particular unique order called BODMAS. This order of operations is a guarantee that everyone can read and solve a particular problem using a unique approach.

Order of operations worksheet Grade 6 pdf

Your 6th graders will feel excited using this order of operations worksheet Grade 6 pdf. In fact, we have designed remarkable mixed operations worksheets Grade 6, combined with a step-by-step solving guide to help kids refer to each time they solve wrongly. Our efforts in this resource is to uplift 6th graders' math-solving skills outstandingly. Besides, kids who struggle to solve multiple operations problems will enjoy practicing this fantastic resource.

Most times in real life, like shopping, selling, etc., we are caught up in a situation where we need to perform two or more operations. Hence, we have formulated fun, interesting real-life problems and exercises (including whole numbers, decimals, fractions, etc.) wherein you must apply the order of operation rule before arriving at the correct answer.

Download worksheets
Add, subtract, multiply or divide two whole numbers
Add, subtract, multiply or divide two whole numbers worksheet
Add, subtract , multiply or divide whole numbers word problems
Add, subtract , multiply or divide whole numbers word problems worksheet
Evaluate numerical expression involving whole numbers
Evaluate numerical expression involving whole numbers worksheet
Add subtract multiply or divide two decimals
Add subtract multiply or divide two decimals worksheet
Add, subtract, multiply or divide decimals word problems
Add, subtract, multiply or divide decimals word problems worksheet
Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals
Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals worksheet

How to solve mixed operations worksheets Grade 6 using standard rules

Your 6th graders will learn how to solve mixed operations worksheets Grade 6 using standard rules. Order of operations is vital to successfully solving all mixed operations exercises and word problems. But it is most important to do these operations in the correct order, for without such a standard order, your answer will never correspond to another person's answer.

Now, when solving a problem consisting of all math operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide), including brackets, you must;

  • First, evaluate Brackets,

  • the Of (Orders) second,

  • Third, divide or Multiply (from left to right, whichever comes first),

  • Lastly, add or Subtract (from left to right, whichever comes first).

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