Multiply and divide decimals worksheets Grade 6

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Practicing with our multiply and divide decimals worksheets Grade 6 is no different from multiplying and dividing whole numbers. The difference lies only in the decimal placement in the answer. As you'll realize, this multiplying and dividing decimal resource consists of a solution and answer sheet, wherein kids can always refer to confirm their answers and correct their mistakes immediately. Hence, practicing with this worksheet will enable kids to follow the step-by-step procedure for multiplying and dividing decimals in a relaxed conducive way.
As decimals multiplication, and division are important in math, so are they in real life. For instance, we use decimals daily in areas where precision is needed than the whole Number can provide. For instance, when dealing with money or measurement, we'll often multiply or divide, especially when converting from one currency to another or from one unit to another respectively.
6th Grade multiplying and dividing decimals worksheets with answers
In line with our 6th Grade multiplying and dividing decimals worksheets with answers, we will present several cases with strategies for multiplying and dividing decimals by whole numbers, by another decimal number, or by 10, 100, or 1,000.
Our multiply and divide decimals worksheets Grade 6 will present fun and enriching activities arranged in different worksheets. The activities in each worksheet are fun yet challenging but to the reach of every 6th grader. Also, each worksheet consists of just a few exercises wherein kids can complete in one sitting. Our efforts, however, are for kids to master how to multiply or divide each decimal exercise before moving on to the next.
As earlier said, one thing to note about multiplying and dividing decimals is to figure out how to place the decimal point, especially in the product or quotient. But before then, let's learn how to multiply and divide decimals.
How to multiply and divide decimals worksheets Grade 6
Your 6th graders will learn how to multiply and divide decimals worksheets Grade 6 following our remarkable step-by-step procedure.
When multiplying decimals:
- Set up and multiply the numbers as you do with whole numbers.
- Count the total Number of decimal places in the factors.
- Place the decimal point in the product so that the Number of decimal places in the product equals the Number of decimal places in the factors.
- Keep all zeros in the product when you place the decimal point. You can drop the zeros on the right once the decimal point has been placed in the product. If the Number of decimal places is greater than the Number of digits in the product, you can insert zeros in front of the product.
When dividing decimals by Whole Numbers
- Divide as you would with whole numbers. Then place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend.
When dividing by a decimal number,
- multiply the divisor by a power of ten to make the divisor a whole number. Then multiply the dividend by the same power of ten. You can think of this as moving the decimal point in the dividend the same Number of places to the right as you move the decimal point in the divisor.
- Now, place the decimal point in the quotient directly over the decimal point in the dividend. Finally, divide as you would with whole numbers.
With dividing decimals, the quotient can either be a decimal or a whole number.