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> Operations With Integers worksheets worksheets

Integer word problems online with answers 6th grade

Encourage your kids have an enjoyable practice of operations with integers word problems grade 6. As we know, operations with integer word problems online with answers 6th grade are very much similar to that of whole numbers.

So, as you go through this fun resource, you’ll come across a whole lot of practical real life integer problems like measuring temperature, sea level, as well as deposits and withdrawals, etc.

From all these, you’ll realize that the only thing that makes integers a bit different from whole numbers is that they are usually preceded either by a positive (+) or a negative sign (-). For your kids to better understand this, they’ll be expected to enjoy solving our integer word problems by performing either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division following integers’ rules

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This is not all the level worksheets. To download all worksheets in Operations With Integers, please access the differents topics.
Integers and absolute value word problems
Integers and absolute value word problems worksheet
Add integers using counters
Add integers using counters worksheet
Add integers
Add integers worksheet
Subtract integers using counters
Subtract integers using counters worksheet
Subtract integers
Subtract integers worksheet
Add and subtract integers find the sign
Add and subtract integers find the sign worksheet

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What are the rules for solving integer problems?

As we know, integers can either be negative (-1,-2,-3…), positive (1, 2, 3…) or zero (0)

As such, to successfully solve these integer word problems, you must follow its basic rules. Therefore, what are the rules for solving integer problems?

The two simple rules states that;

  • If the signs are different, the answer will be negative
  • If the sign are alike, the answer will be positive.

Also remember that when you add integers, positive integers move to the right on the number line, while negative integers move you to the left on the number line. Moreover, the higher the negative integer, the lesser its value becomes. For example, -10 is less than s-8, -7 is less than 4.

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