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> How to go about solving addition and subtraction of decimals word problems

Hey kids! you will discover how to go about solving addition and subtraction of decimals word problems by actively engaging in this resource. Kids often face challenges interpreting these word problems on decimals addition and subtraction. So, we will offer them excellent tips and an efficient step-by-step guide on how to solve addition and subtraction of decimals word problems.

Moreover, this intensive guide emphasizes that kids understand the problem structure before solving it. This great idea will significantly contribute to their ideal understanding of word problems. Thus a great way to upgrade and maintain their word problem–solving skills.

Steps on how to solve addition and subtraction of decimals word problems

These outstanding steps on how to solve addition and subtraction of decimals word problems are the best for your kids. They will provide exciting tips on solving all complex grade-5 decimals addition and subtraction word problems.

Most importantly, these steps will boost your kids’ performance as they’ll learn how to logically reason out what the problem needs and then provide an accurate and perfect solution to the problem.

Besides this, some compelling examples have been attached here, particularly for practice purposes. You know what they say; practice makes perfect.


To identify the problem, find out exactly what the problem wants you to solve. For instance, whether to add or subtract. You can do this by figuring out the most important keywords in the word problem. For example:

  • In the case of adding decimal word problems, the most important keywords that you’ll see are: add, plus, more, total, increase, together/altogether, combined, sum, grow, join, both, etc.
  • Now when moving on to subtraction word problems, some of the efficient keywords you’ll find in the word problem are:- less, minus, take away, left, decrease, difference, remain, change, how many more, subtract, fewer, deduct, etc.

Note: One key Element for learners to understand is that they should not always rely on keywords alone. That is to say; the same keyword can have different meanings in different word problems.
For this reason, we reiterate on the importance of reading the question very carefully to understand the situation that the word problem is describing, then figure out exactly which operation to use


How will you solve or tackle the problem?

One key thing you should remember is that each word problem may require a different format. So, these key points below will help kids to solve any format however it comes accurately.

  • Now, from the keyword(s) in the word problem, you will know if you need to add or subtract or perform any other operation.
  • Note that you must not rely only on keywords. Also, try to understand the situation that the problem is describing.
  • After knowing which operation you will perform, construct short expressions/sentences representing the given word problem. This visual representation of the most vital information will make it easier to solve the word problem.


Here, you have to write down a numerical equation representing the information in the word problem.


From step 3 above, add or subtract the decimal values by arranging the decimal point to line up in the addends and sum. Use zeros as place value holders, if need be, to solve the word problem. Also, do not forget the unit of measurement, if any.


Finally, check if your answer makes sense. For example, use common sense i.e., Estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expect, go back to step one and start all over again.

Examples on how to go about solving addition and subtraction of decimals word problems

Example one: How to solve addition of decimals word problems using the steps above

Last year, Lucas’ income was $92,824.56, while this year, his income increased to $173,275.5. What is his total income for the two years?

Step 1:The important numbers here are $92,824.56 and $173,275.58. The keyword(s) found in the word problem is “total.”

Step 2: How will you solve the problem? You see that from the situation the problem is describing, and from the keyword “total” in the word problem calls for an addition operation.

Now, construct short sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Luca’s income last year = $92,824.56
  • His income this year = $173,275.5
  • Therefore, his total income for the two years = Luca’s income last year + His income this year

Step 3:Now, write down a numerical expression to represent the bolded sentence in step 2 above:

$173,275.5 + $92,824.56 = ?

Step 4:Now, arrange or stack the values so that the decimal points line up in the addends and sum. In addition to this, use zeros as place values here because it is needed. Then, go ahead and add the values. Also, do not forget the unit of measurement, if any.

Step 5:Finally, check if your answer makes sense. For example, estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expected, go back to step one and start all over again.

Example two: An example on how to solve a subtraction word problem in grade 5

Paul scored 123.3 points in an online game; Brooks scored 97.56 points. If they scored a total of 220.86 points, how many more points did Paul score than Brooks?

Step 1: The important numbers here are 123.23 and 97.56. The keyword(s) found in the word problem is “how many more.”

Step 2:How will you solve the problem? As you can see from the problem scenario, the keyword “how many more” entails a subtraction operation.

Now, we have to construct short sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Number of points that Paul scored = 123.3.
  • Number of points that Brooks scored = 97.56.
  • Therefore, the number of more points that Paul scored than Brooks = the number of points Paul scored – the number of points Brooks scored.

Step 3:Then, write down a numerical equation for each bolded sentence in step 2 above to solve this word problem:

123.3 - 97.56 = ?

Step 4: Now, arrange or stack the values so that the decimal points line up in the minuend, subtrahend, and difference. In addition to this, use zeros as place values here because it is needed. Then, go ahead and subtract the values. Also, do not forget the unit of measurement, if any.

So, Paul scored 25.74 more points than Brooks.

Step 5: to conclude, check if your answer makes sense. For example, estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expected, go back to step one and start all over again.

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