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> How to perform fractions of a whole word problem

Here is a captivating approach with fun tips on how to perform fractions of a whole word problem. Our effort in creating this resource is to construct an accurate and mental representation of the steps to solve fractions of a whole word problems.

By so doing, you'll realize a significant consistency in how your kids handle basic to complex word problems on fractions of a whole whenever they come across them.

Another remarkable thing to note when practicing how to perform fractions of a whole word problem is the ability for 4th Graders to quickly translate a word problem statement into a solvable math equation.

Steps on how to solve fractions of a whole word problem

Given here are unique steps on how to solve fractions of a whole word problem. These steps consist of techniques, strategies, powerful tips, and short steps to solve challenging fractions word problems.

So, all these points mentioned above will remarkably enhance, upgrade and build kids' minds to become the best math word problem solvers, especially on performing fractions of a whole word problem.

Above all, we have added a few real-life examples below to show you how fantastic these steps work.


To begin with, identify the problem by figuring out the situation that the problem wants you to solve. For example, what are you looking for in the word problem? We do this by finding the most important keywords in the word problem.

  • For instance, the only common keyword you need to look out for in fractions of a whole is “What fraction of” and if the word problem consists of a part and a whole.

Note: One key Element for learners to understand is that they should not always rely on keywords alone. That is to say; the same keyword can have different meanings in different word problems.
For this reason, we reiterate on the importance of reading the question very carefully to understand the situation that the word problem is describing, then figure out exactly which operation to use


How will you solve or tackle the problem?

One key thing you must never forget is that each word problem may require a different format. Hence, the key points below will enable young math learners to tackle any format however it comes.

To grasp fractions of a whole easily, you must be able to understand some basic language used in fractions like:

  • The part, or the numerator, is the top number in a fraction. It tells us how many pieces we are dealing with.
  • The whole, also known as the denominator, is the bottom of a fraction. The denominator describes the size of the pieces.

Now, after knowing what the part (numerator) and the whole (denominator) will be, construct short sentences to represent the given word problem


Moving on to step 3, you need to write down a numerical expression representing the information in the word problem. Use “/” to separate the numerator from the denominator.


Here, you are required to simplify the fraction if need be. Also, remember to include the unit of measurement in the final result.


Finally, check if your answer makes sense. For instance, estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expected, go back to step one and start all over again.

Examples on how to solve fractions of a whole word problems

Example One

A novel has 17 chapters of equal length. If you have read 2 chapters. What fraction of the book have you not read?

Step 1: You see that the important numbers here are 17, which is the whole, and 2, which is the part. The keyword found in the word problem is “what fraction of.”

Step 2:Now, how will you solve the problem? The situation the problem describes and the keyword(s) found in the word problem show that it is a fraction of a whole word problem. So, you have to make use of the “part,” “/,” and the “whole.”

But note that the question requires you to find the fraction of the book you have not read. This is what we call understanding the problem type/structure/statement first before solving it.

Furthermore, after knowing what the part (numerator) and the whole (denominator) will be, form short sentences to represent the given word problem, as shown below.

  • Number of chapters you have read = 2
  • Total number of chapters the novel has = 17.
  • Number of chapters that I have not read = 17 – 2 = 15
  • Therefore, the fraction of the book you have to read = the number of chapters I have not read as the numerator (part), and the total number of chapters the novel has as the denominator (whole).

Step 3:Write down a numerical fraction to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above. Use “/” to separate the numerator from the denominator.

Step 4: From step 3 above, simplify the fraction if necessary. In addition to this, always include the unit of measurement in the final result.

(No simplification is needed because the fraction is already in its lowest form)

So, you have read of the book

Step 5:Finally, check if your answer makes sense. For instance, estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expected, go back to step one and start all over again.

Example Two

Jamila is making a new dress for herself. So she cut up the fabric she has into 8 large equal pieces. If she uses 4 pieces of fabric to make the dress, what fraction of the fabric has she used?

Step 1:You see that the important numbers here are 8, which is the whole, and 4, which is the part. The keyword found in the word problem is “what fraction of.”

Step 2: Now, how will you solve the problem? The situation the problem describes and the keyword(s) found in the word problem show that it is a fraction of a whole word problem. So, you have to make use of the “part,” “/,” and the “whole.”

Additionally, after knowing what the part (numerator) and the whole (denominator) will be, create short sentences to represent the given word problem as shown below.

  • Number of pieces of fabric she used to make the dress = 4
  • Total number of pieces of fabric she cut up the fabrics into = 8
  • Therefore, the fraction of the fabric she used = the number of pieces she used to make the dress as the numerator (part), and the total number of pieces of fabric she cut up the fabrics into as the denominator (whole).

Step 3:Write down a numerical fraction to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above. Use “/” to separate the numerator from the denominator.

Step 4:From step 3 above, simplify the fraction if necessary. Also, always include the unit of measurement in your final answer.

Using the long multiplication method, we have

= =

So, she used of the fabric.

Step 5:Finally, check if your answer makes sense. For instance, estimate the answer and see if it is close to what you expected. However, if the answer is not what you expected, go back to step one and start all over again.

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