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> Estimating Comparing Ordering Rounding Word Problems

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Estimation problems and solutions 5th grade

Help your kids practice amazing skills of estimating comparing ordering rounding word problems on whole numbers, decimals, sums, quotients and products. As a matter of fact, we have designed very interesting estimation problems and solutions 5th grade with fun techniques used to easily solve all real life math problems that require estimating comparing ordering or rounding numbers.

It should be noted that, rounding and estimating are two math strategies used to approximate numbers. Besides, this idea of rounding makes numbers simpler and easier to understand or work with.

Also, we must equally remember that numbers can either be rounded up or rounded down, depending on the nearby digit of the place value to be rounded. For instance;

Numbers that are less than 5 get rounded down, whereas

Numbers that are 5 or more than 5 get rounded up.

Estimating Comparing Ordering Rounding Word Problems lessons

Comparing symbols, meanings and examples

Have a grasp of our beautiful table on comparing symbols, meanings and examples.

Symbols and meanings ---> < means less than > Means greater than = means equal to
Examples ---------------> 3 < 5
3 is less than 5
7 > 2
7 is is greater than 2
8 = 8
8 is is equal to 8

Why do we round or estimate numbers in real life?

The reasons why we round or estimate numbers in real life are so numerous. In the first place, you’ll recall that although these numbers when rounded up or down are slightly less accurate, their values are still relatively close to the original value.

That notwithstanding, rounded numbers is the key skill you need to quickly estimate, compare or order numbers, money amounts, sums, measurements etc. in real life and in the math class.

As earlier said, we round, compare, estimate and order numbers on regular basis and in many different real life situations. For instance, estimating time, rounding the prices of items to the nearest money amounts. Here, you can easily determine if you have enough money to buy everything on your market list.

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