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> How to compare fractions word problems

Your kids will learn how to compare fractions word problems the easiest way, highlighting the importance of reading comprehension in problem-solving exercises. You’ll realize in most cases that, we have emphasized the importance of reading the problem very well to identify the problem type before trying to provide an accurate solution for it.

Also, once your kids gain mastery of comparing two or more fractions, they’ll begin to use these skills in their day-to-day activities, especially when cooking. The step-by-step guide below will take you through how to solve complex grade six word problems comparing fractions.

Steps to Follow While Comparing Fractions Word Problems

Find below here simple steps to follow while comparing fractions word problems. These steps will not only teach your kids the computation of mathematical equations in the problem. Still, they will equally help you reason and use critical thinking to determine what the problem is trying to describe first before solving it.

We also encourage kids to read the word problem very well, retell the problem in their own words and write the information given in the form of short sentences to verify their understanding of the problem.

However, we have added some challenging real-world examples to show young learners how efficient these steps are.


To begin, you have to figure out the important numbers and keywords in the word problem. Then use these keywords to tell whether you need to compare the given fractions or perform any other operation.

  • So, in comparing fractions, you need to look out for most of the keywords such as; greater, less, smaller, bigger, more, larger, etc.

  • ***One key Element for learners to understand is that they should not always rely on keywords alone. That is to say; the same keyword can have different meanings in different word problems.

  • For this reason, we reiterate on the importance of reading the question very carefully to understand the situation that the word problem is describing, then figure out exactly which operation to use***


At this point, there should only be one vital question going on in your mind. Which is, “How will I solve or tackle the word problem?” To answer this question, follow the points below.

  • From the keyword(s) in the word problem, you will determine if you need to compare fractions or perform any other operation.

  • That said, you must not count totally on keywords. That is, try to understand the situation that the problem is describing very well before you dive into solving it.

  • So, after knowing which operation you will perform, construct short expressions/sentences to represent the given word problem.

Step 3: SET UP:

Moving to this step, write down a numerical expression representing the information given in the word problem.


From Step 3 above, proceed with comparing the fractions.

To be able to compare fractions, you have to follow the steps below.

  • Firstly, if the fractions to be compared have like denominators, just go ahead and compare the numerators.

  • Secondly, but if the fractions to be compared have unlike denominators, you have to find the lowest common denominator (LCD) and then write equivalent fractions with the LCD you just found. (multiply the given fractions by a suitable number to achieve fractions with the same denominator). Then proceed to compare the fractions.

  • Finally, remember to add the unit of measurement to your final answer if any.


Ask yourself this question. “Does my answer make sense?” If “YES,” you are done. If “NO,” go back to step 1 and start all over again.

Examples on comparing fractions word problems

Example one:

Miss Tamara brought 20 cookies to her niece’s birthday. The kids ate while the adults ate of the cookies. Which group of people ate a greater fraction of the cookies?

Step 1: As you begin, read the problem carefully and figure out the important fractions to be used and the keywords in the word problem.

These fractions are and and the keywords found in the word problem is “greater.”

Step 2: Now, how will you solve or tackle the word problem? As clearly seen, the situation that the problem is describing and the keyword found in the word problem calls for you to compare fractions.

Now, after knowing which operation you will perform, construct short expressions/sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Fraction of cookies the kids ate =
  • Fraction of cookies the adults ate =
  • Therefore, which group of people ate a greater part of the cookies = the greater fraction of the two fractions.

Step 3: Next, you have to write down a numerical expression or statement to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above.

Which one is greater or ?

Step 4: After that, from Step 3 above

  • Since the denominators are different, find the LCD of 5 and 4.
  • Then, write equivalent fractions with the LCD you just found (multiply the given fractions by a suitable number in order to achieve fractions with the same denominator).
  • Lastly, always remember to add the unit of measurement if any.

So, the adults ate a greater fraction of the cookies since is greater than

Step 5: Finally, check your work – Ask yourself this question. “Does my answer make sense?” If “YES,” you are done. If “NO,” go back to step 1 and start all over again.

Example two:

Mrs. Jones made two cakes, vanilla and red velvet that were exactly the same size and took it to a get together party. She cut the vanilla cake into 12 equal slices and the red velvet cake into 8 equal slices. If people ate 6 slices of vanilla cake and 4 slices of red velvet cake, did they eat less of vanilla or red velvet cake?

Step 1: Begin by reading the word problem very well and figure out the important fractions to be used and the keywords found in the problem.

You see that the fractions to be used are and and the keyword found in the word problem is “lesser”.

Step 2: Then, how will you solve or tackle the word problem? As clearly seen, the situation that the problem is describing and the keyword found in the word problem calls for you to compare fractions.

Now, after knowing which operation you will perform, construct short expressions/sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Fraction of the vanilla cake people ate = (reduce to its lowest form) = =
  • Fraction of the red velvet cake people ate = (reduce to its lowest form) = =
  • Therefore, which cake was eaten less = the smaller fraction from the two fractions.

Step 3: Next, you have to write down a numerical expression or statement to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above.

Which one is smaller () or () ?

Step 4: After that, from Step 3 above

  • You see that after reducing each fraction into its lowest form, their denominators are now the same.
  • So, just go ahead and compare the numerators of the fractions
  • Lastly, always remember to add the unit of measurement if any.

So, they ate an equal fraction of vanilla cake and red velvet cake since () is equal to ()

Step 5: Finally, check your work – Ask yourself this question. “Does my answer make sense?” If “YES”, you are done. If “NO”, go back to step 1 and start all over again.

Example three:

On our way for sightseeing in the mountains, I saw a wild lizard that was feet long, whereas my sister, Lily, also saw another wild lizard that was feet long. Who saw the longest lizard?

Step 1: Now, read the problem very well and figure out the important mixed numbers to be used and the keywords found in the problem.

So, the mixed numbers to be used are and and the keyword found in the word problem is “longest.”

Step 2: How will you solve or tackle this word problem? As you can see, the situation that the problem is describing and the keyword found in the word problem call for you to compare the mixed numbers.

Now, write down short sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Length of the lizard I saw =
  • Length of the lizard Lily saw =
  • Therefore, who saw the longest lizard = the greatest mixed number from the two fractions.

Step 3: Next, you have to write down a numerical expression or statement to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above.

Which one is greater or ?

Step 4: After that, from Step 3 above

  • In this case, since we are dealing with mixed numbers, we’ll, first of all, compare the whole numbers before the fractions:
  • You see that the whole number 10 is greater than 9
  • So, automatically becomes greater than
  • Therefore, >

So, I saw the longest lizard since is greater than

Step 5: Finally, check your work – Ask yourself this question. “Does my answer make sense?” If “YES,” you are done. If “NO,” go back to step 1 and start all over again.

Example four:

A recipe for banana cake calls for two and two-fifth of a cup of flour. Another recipe for marble cake calls for two and a half a cup of flour. Which recipe calls for a smaller number of cups of flour?

Step 1: You should start by reading the problem very well to figure out the important fractions or mixed numbers to be used and the keywords found in the problem.

As you can see, the important mixed numbers are and . Also, the keyword that will help you determine which operation you have to perform in the word problem is “smaller.”

Step 2: Now, how will you solve the word problem? You see that, from the situation that the problem is describing and the keyword found in the word problem, you will have to compare the mixed numbers.

With this information in mind, form short expressions/sentences to represent the given word problem.

  • Fraction of flour needed for the banana cake =
  • Fraction of flour needed for the marble cake = (reduce to its lowest form) = =
  • Therefore, which recipe calls for the smaller number of cups = the smaller fraction from the two fractions.

Step 3: Next, you have to write down a numerical expression or statement to represent the bolded statement in step 2 above.

Which one is smaller or ?

Step 4: Then, from Step 3 above

  • Since you are dealing with mixed numbers, you need to, first of all, compare the whole numbers before the fractions
  • You see that the whole numbers are equal to each other.
  • Now, since the whole numbers are the same, let’s proceed to look for the equivalent fractions of the fractions in the mixed numbers by following the given steps below
  • TFirstly, since the denominators are different, let’s find the LCD of 5 and 2
  • Secondly, write equivalent fractions with the LCD you just found (i.e., multiply the given fractions by a suitable number to achieve fractions with the same denominator).
  • Finally, always remember to add the unit of measurement to your final answer if any.

So, the banana cake recipe calls for a smaller number of cups of flour since is less than

Step 5: Finally, check your work – Ask yourself this question. “Does my answer make sense?” If “YES,” you are done. If “NO,” go back to step 1 and start all over again.

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