>Fun 6th Grade math activities with online training, worksheets, and lessons

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  1. Addition And Subtraction

    1. How to add and subtract whole numbers word problems
    2. How to solve addition and subtraction of decimals word problems
  2. Fun division activities for grade 6

    1. How to divide decimals by whole numbers word problems
    2. How to divide whole numbers ending in zeros word problems?
  3. Mixed numbers and fractions activities for 6th Grade free

    1. How to perform addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators word problems
    2. Strategies to use when adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems
    3. What is the easiest way to add and subtract mixed numbers in word problems?
    4. How to compare fractions word problems
    5. How to divide fractions and mixed numbers word problems
    6. How do you solve fractions of a number word problem?
    7. How do you multiply fractions word problems?
    8. How to multiply mixed numbers word problems
    9. How to carry out understanding fractions as division word problems?
    10. Best strategy to use to understand fractions word problems
  4. Mixed operations activities in 6th Grade

    1. How to solve adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals word problems
    2. How to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions word problems
    3. How to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers word problems
  5. Multiplying whole numbers for 6th Grade

    1. How to perform multiplication of whole numbers word problems
    2. How to multiply numbers ending in zeros word problems
    3. How do you multiply three or more numbers word problems?
  6. Number Theory practice with solutions, lessons, and explanations in grade 6

    1. How to find the GCF and the LCM word problems
    2. How to find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) word problems
    3. How to find the least common multiple (LCM) word problems
  7. Solving And Estimation

    1. How do you do estimation word problems?
    2. How do you solve multi-step word problems?